Here are just a few sites that Spoonguard think are cool. We also have other local bands that we also consider cool and are mates of us. Check them out !!
If there are any decent sites out there u beleive there should b a link 2 leave it on the guest book,tell us or email us if we aproove we will add it.
Sites of gidness
These are a few sites we consider either cool / mad/funny / or just shit
A gid game of pool
Simply go to multi - player and you get a gid game of online pool :D
Juniors site
Go 2 the thunderbird !!!
The fourth valley motorbike club are the coolest one around. check out there site and see when upcoming rallies etc are!!
Band sites
Enchantica are a industrial metal band, there pretty cool check them out (brutal)
this way up
This Way Up are another cool band, there music is pretty cool
The Fightback
A hardcore punk band fi falkirk the fighback are fuckin sound
The 9th Academy
A stylish based punk band the 9th academy is jamies other band. melodic punk riffs are sound !!